Friday, August 5, 2011

our adoption story...part three

we knew the time had come to start a family, so i quit my job. i was ready to be a stay at home mom. no more commuting to work in southern california traffic. i dove into a women's bible study and started serving more at church. little did i know that my faith was about to grow in leaps and bounds.

we knew adoption was on our heart and so was getting pregnant. we had been trying to get pregnant for almost a year when i quit my job. we also started our search to adopt. initially, i wanted to adopt a child from africa, but as we thought about it more and more, God pressed upon our hearts that why do we need to go to africa when there were kids in our community that need a home? our direction was set to look in our own community. about a week later, my husband was reading the newspaper and saw an ad in the paper about an informational meeting to become foster-to-adopt parents through the county we lived in. we both knew rigtht away that we were meant to go. we went to the meeting and instantly knew it was a right fit for we began the process of taking classes, having our home inspected, and completing our home study.

meanwhile, we were still trying to get pregnant. we began to grow frustrated because it hadn't happened yet. we decided to both get check out from our doctors to see if there was anything wrong with either of us. we endured lots of testing and it seemed to be an emotional rollercoaster. was there something wrong with us? there must be... it seemed like everyone around us was getting pregnant.

in one area we were so excited about our possibilities of adoption, but we felt very heavy-hearted with wanting to be pregnant so bad and it wasn't happening. on the day we were to find out all of the results from our fertility testing, my husband had to work and i was let to go by myself. i was anxious to hear...would it be bad news or good news? would we gain more understanding as to what was going on? questions swirled in my head as i pulled up to our doctor's office.

to be continue...

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! i can't stand the suspense! what happens next?! :) seriously! i love these posts..
