it's easy to get our priorities mixed up or start to have the attitude of we deserve it. i really struggle with that phrase..."we deserve it" or "i deserve it because..."
i know this may sound really harsh but we really don't deserve a single thing. it's not something our culture would say and hard for even me to say. of course there are things i desire and want...i'm just as selfish as the next, but i know that there is really nothing i deserve.
what i deserve is nothing without my Father's grace and mercy that He has bestowed upon me.
i want to be intentional about what i do and i'm going to focus on giving thanks to the One who does deserve it!
i'm thankful for...
cute little chalk-filled hands in the middle of summer!
God's word.
really where would i be without it? a quote from one of the ladies in my bible study, "7 days without God's Word, makes 1 weak." So true!
firewood...the warmth that it will supply us during the next several months. i would rather be hot and sweaty than cold!
a fun evening with my family last night. it's the simple things of carving a pumpkin together, that i cherish!
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