I got this necklace for Christmas and just adore it! I love old things and have always wanted a necklace made from a typewriter key. The letter "F" is indeed an old typewriter key. The round charm is our anniversary date. I'm hoping for mother's day...hint, hint (my man reads my blog)...I will get a charm with our daughter's name and birth date on it to add to the necklace.
My favorite chapter book as a kid was "The Boxcar Children." So, I knew when the time came, it would be the first one we would read together. Every afternoon, before rest time, we read a chapter together. I think she is as smitten with it as I was!
A peace of art work that I just recently bought...I love rainbows and seeing them just reminds me of God's promises to us! I hung it in my craft area.
I bought this 12 years ago when I spent a summer in China...I still love it!
This has been the bible study I've been working through over the last 6 weeks. It's amazing! Kelly's writing is great but it is the way God's word has really challenged me over the weeks.
Here are a couple things that have stood out to me...
We live in a culture that DOES NOT WAIT! When we want something, we go and get it. Just reflecting on my time in PNG, it has taught me more about what God desires for us and that is more often than not... it's waiting! The people of PNG have to wait for rain...wait for their food to grow...they don't get upset, they don't resent God, instead they know it will come. I've experience a lot about waiting over the last year and a half and I know that through waiting, comes blessing and the fact that even when it seems like nothing is happening, God is still working. I won't kid you, it's hard, tough, painful but worth it! Do you know how to wait? Or is that something you struggle with?
"God does not always call us to the normal or logical." Boy, is that true! I think our last 5 years could be summed up by those words. God has asked us to do things that often times got the response.."what? You want us to do what?"
I want you to adopt.
I want you to go on the missions field.
I want you to sell your home and belongings and move to another country.
I want you to living in a village for 5 weeks.
I want you to return back to the US because I'm calling your husband into another job.
I want you to leave a community and friends that you love.
I want you to wait on me for more children.
It still sometimes doesn't make sense to me, but we continue to trust God over our own thoughts! It's a crazy life...following God!
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