First stop was the Farmer's market, where I got some fruit and veggies. I also loaded up on a bunch of rolled oats that I will used tomorrow. We eat a lot of stuff that requires oats in it, so when it is on sale for 2lbs for $1, I stock up! My total $21.63.
I knew this week I would go over budget, just the chicken breast alone at Costco was $20. I also buy my tortillas and lettuce there because they are cheap! I use to buy most of our food at Costco, but not since I've been couponing! You can get better deals elsewhere. Total $26.67
Lastly, I went Target. I got several things for free...2 loaves of french bread (one got eaten right away),bananas and the 2 cans of soup. Total $18.98
Grand Total $67.28 I'm over by $27.40! I knew I would be over but need the chicken! I still think it is a lot of food, for not that much money. Tomorrow, I will be posting about some of the things I will be making using some of the ingredients I bought today.
For those of you interested in learning about how I save, I simple follow a couple of coupon blogs that tell me where all the great deals are! My 2 favorites are: and Check them out!
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